Thursday, February 12, 2009


So today I woke up late. I rushed to get to class, and I ended up forgetting the paper that I wrote so we had to turn around to go back and get it. Long story short, I was not the most happy camper today. I've been going through some ups and downs lately I seriously felt like I was going to have a mental breakdown this morning. AND It didnt help that we were having a discussion in my History class and it was about late 19th century America, like when different ethnicities were coming to America.

Basically, I go to college where the majority of the students are wealthy anlgo's and they have basically the same views on the world. Its kind of ridiculous. I love it here, but at the same time im starting to hate it.

But honestly, one thing that I can say that gets my mind of stupid sh*t of the day is blogging... kind of wierd but One, I can get things like this off of my chest, and Two, I get to express what I think is really AWESOME!!! hahahaha.

But thanks for taking the time to view.

Love you all...


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